Absolutely spot on across the board. I’m an in house attorney for one of the IPPs involved in the litigation and we are shocked at the narrow view of irreparable harm. HUGE economic decisions are being made right now, without a clear regulatory path. It’s scary. Merits briefing before the DC circuit is almost complete and the oral argument is in early Dec. Hoping SCOTUS will grant the emergency stay after the very likely unfavorable ruling in the court of appeals.

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It may be a smart move to toss this back into the laps of congress. It is the responsibility of congress to make the law and EPA to enforce just those laws. If congress is too weak to legislate or keep the privilege to legislate - the voters will act. The SCOTUS is not their to make law or policy - only to faithfully interpret issues of law, drafted by congress.

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Yes, and I thought the West Virginia v EPA decision made it clear that the EPA doesn't have the authority it tried to assert with CPP 1.0 and has again asserted with CPP 2.0. That's why it's so puzzling (to me anyway) that SCOTUS denied the motions for stay here

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Thanks for your usual excellent reporting of energy and electricity generation news. The SCOTUS seems to be just a naive and with just as low of an energy IQ as the rest of the "Climate Experts" that populate our country. If they were asked to become involved in the dead of winter, instead of during "Outage Season" they may see things a bit different. Sad for our country as I see widespread Blackouts coming in winter

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Thanks for covering this issue. The attempt of the Biden administration to shut down baseload natural gas plants is terrible and it should be getting much more attention. It has huge implications for our electrical grid and future economic growth.


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