Travis Fisher on The Power Hungry Podcast
Author and journalist Robert Bryce talks with Travis Fisher, the Cato Institute's Director of Energy and Environmental Policy
I’ve been one of Robert Bryce’s biggest fans for about a decade. It was an honor to join Robert on his podcast to discuss my recent work on the Inflation Reduction Act, the energy policy landscape in DC, and the impact of subsidies and mandates on the electric grid.
If you have any feedback, please feel free to contact me at tfisher [at] cato [dot] org.
Loved this show. Thank you for all of your hard work and research on this - very few people know about this and even fewer are talking about it. Reasonable people are trying to make sense of the madness in all of this - the fact is there is none.
All roads lead to the plans the World Economic Forum have for us. Read their plans - they tell us exactly what they have in store for us. Look no further than the recent appointment of Dina Powell to the Exxon Mobil board.
Here you’ve got the UN SDGs which is net zero by 2050 - This is in absolute direct conflict with fossil fuel extraction (which is the vast majority of affordable energy) and you’ve got this lady, Dina Powell, who was a Young Global Leader for the WEF, member of the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission member - DEDICATED to all things UN SDGs and how to achieve them, in her early career she was hired in as a managing director for Goldman Sachs (admitted she had no prior experience in finance) and went on to be their leader of “Impact Investing” which is woke, arbitrary, rent seeking nonsense. The Hunger Games within the boards and in the corporate world of all of these companies that are PARTNERS with the WEF are why the markets are silent when it comes to the IRA. One of the number one goals of the WEF plans by 2030 is within their strategic partnership with the United Nations and that is to “Finance the 2030 Agenda” - Which is to mobilize systems and accelerate finance flows toward the 2030 Agenda and the UN Sustainable Development Goals, taking forward solutions to increase long term SDG investments.
We need to level up the thinking on this. Additionally, how is it that all of the “republicans” are so welcoming to all of this funding coming into their states? They’ve been co-opted by the National Governor’s Association and this is what they are telling them to do. We have complete task forces within red states that have been charged with figuring out how to gobble up these federal dollars. Although the IRA didn’t get support from Alaska’s senators, we have no shortage of “republicans” and “conservatives” in our state calling for these disastrous inflationary printed federal dollars and even in a recent op-ed, two supposed conservatives said “There is a time-limited window in which to secure this funding. Many of the programs created by the BIL and the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) expire within 5-10 years. We must work together to seize this moment.” Among a near unanimous vote by a majority Republican legislature last session for a Carbon Management bill presented by Alaska’s supposed conservative and pro natural resource development governor - the selling point was “potentially billions of dollars in revenue to the state” and the fiscal notes were blank. We find out our lone house representative, Mary Peltola, her husband, sadly late husband, setup a carbon credit exchange LLC the summer prior to the passing of this legislation and US Senator Lisa Murkowski’s brother, Brian Murkowski also has his fingers in the carbon credit pie.
Lastly, much of this also has to do with the private equity pirates that helped draft all of this legislation and are buying and transforming companies to conform and the powers that be are sitting back to collect. We have to recognize this corruption and cut it off at the knees. A prime example of this is TGP - more “Impact Investing” - they own Summit Carbon Solutions who has been trying to steal farmland from South Dakotans for a CO2 pipeline. The creation of Summit Carbon Solutions was partially funded by a Chinese anchor investor - that fund was called the Silk Road Fund, a China Government Guidance fund created by Xi Jinping. The other major funder of this company came from big oil Continental Resources. Add to that, Marc Mezvinsky, a business unit partner for TGP is married to Chelsea Clinton. You cannot even make this stuff up.
This was a great interview with lots of good insight into what FERC is thinking (or not thinking) when these rule changes are made. I’d love to see more interviews with Travis!